Friday, 25 September 2015

E.C. Maltbia: Managing your stress level - Log Cabin Democrat

It's important to become aware that making time for relaxation is essential for your overall well being. Stress is considered as one of the major reasons for serious health issues, such as depression and heart disease. The good news is that there are different types of relaxation techniques that are proven effective in reducing stress.

E.C. Maltbia: Managing your stress levelLog Cabin DemocratNo one is immune to stress. In fact, at one time or another we all have to deal with stressful situations and circumstances in our lives. It really doesn't matter if you're a business executive, a stay at home parent,...E.C. Maltbia: Managing your stress level - Log Cabin Democrat

Are you interested to find out how to start learning to practice meditation? A great way to start is to learn the basic skills from a professional teacher who can explain them to you well.

Mindfulness meditation has been proven effective in promoting an enhanced sense of overall personal development. Start learning how to meditate on the links below.

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