Saturday, 29 August 2015

Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for Coping - Huffington Post

Meditation is an effective tool that can help clear your mind of negative thoughts, and shift your focus to the things that are going right instead. Practicing meditation regularly allows you to rest your mind, and give it a break from unhelpful thoughts. If you're new to the idea of meditation, there are simple meditation techniques to help you start in finding out how to meditate.

Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for CopingHuffington PostUnfortunately, with all this focus on productivity, there just isn't enough attention paid to stress management within the startup community. And this lack of attention has led ...Stress Management for Startup Founders: 2 Important Tools for Coping - Huffington Post

Why practice meditation? There are lots of important reasons to meditate. Some of the few benefits of having a regular meditation practice include having reduced blood pressure and symptoms of depression and stress, slowed aging, improved immune function and concentration, an increased sense of self awareness and getting a more relaxing sleep.

Do you feel the need to unwind? Give yourself a break and practice simple meditation techniques for stress relief. Learn more about other relaxation and stress relief techniques by visiting the sites below.

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